[製品情報:TippingPoint Security Management System v5.4.1 Patch1 公開のお知らせ]:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ
TippingPoint Security Management System v5.4.1 Patch1 公開のお知らせをご案内申し上げます。
TippingPoint Security Management System(SMS) / TippingPoint Virtual Security Management System(vSMS)
SMS Version 5.4.1詳細につきましては以下のアナウンス(英語)、および Release Note(英語)をご覧ください。
サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ
Software Release Announcement SMS v5.4.1.P1
Security Management System (SMS) Release Notes Version
Description Reference This release corrects an issue that prevented the SMS from sending syslog events to ArcSight. TIP-59231 The SMS Client no longer displays a blank pane instead of the remote syslog. TIP-59281 Outdated logs no longer get sent to the syslog collector. TIP-59357 The iptables rule for ssh port 22 now correctly closes when ssh is disabled. TIP-59975 SMS HA synchronization no longer fails when you deselect Include historical event data during HA cluster configuration. TIP-60692 An issue causing extremely lengthy profile distributions to a large number of devices in a flat hierarchy has been corrected in this release. TIP-59427 This release corrects an issue that prevented the SMS from sending syslog events that included URI (uriString) or user (srcUserName/dstUserName) fields. TIP-62553 This release corrects an issue that prevented logins to SMS when using Active Client 7.2.2 with CAC authentication. TIP-61820 The & character is now allowed in filter names. TIP-49259 Attempts to upgrade from a release earlier than v5.3.0 result in an error message. If the error message is blank, check the SMS system log for the entire error message. TIP-47930 Performing a backup and restore of the SMS database will not preserve Filter Performance Correlation data. TIP-42709 After you increase the vSMS disk size, you must turn on and then reboot the vSMS again before the extra disk space is achieved. If you originally deployed the vSMS using TOS v5.2.0 or earlier, the increased disk space cannot be fully achieved. TIP-54547
TIP-54548The Edit Bulk action does not remove tag categories from user-provided Reputation entries. To remove tag categories from an entry, go to
Profiles > Reputation Database > Search
Entries, search for an entry, select entries in the search results, and click Edit.
The search results display the first 10,000 entries. If you are modifying more than 10,000
entries, you must repeat this procedure. When searching for URL entries, the search results table will not automatically refresh. Click Search to refresh the table.TIP-37913 Certain naming configurations could trigger a condition that causes profile distributions to fail. To prevent failures, make sure that the names of your profiles, segments, virtual segments,and certificates are less than 55 characters. TIP-45073
TIP-38808The SMS web management console shows the incorrect time zone only when set to GMT +/-00:30 time zones.For the correct time, refer to the SMS Client console. TIP-33377 The SMS does not activate a Digital Vaccine package when it contains a significant number of malware tags for a filter. TIP-33378 When you attempt to distribute too many TLS/SSL certificates to a device, the resulting error message incorrectly specifies CA certificates as the problem. TIP-44753 When you remove a CA certificate used for authentication from the SMS Authentication CA certificate list—for example, when you delete the authentication configuration from the SMS—the CA certificate is also deleted from the device. If this same CA certificate was distributed to a device as part of the SSL server certificate chain, the device would have an SSL server with a missing CA certificate in its SSL certificate chain. TIP-44645 Exporting the hourly report to the SMB share does not work on systems upgraded to SMS SEG-77932
Important Notes:
• All SMS v5.4.1 customers are encouraged to install this patch at the earliest opportunity
• Patch installation should take approximately 15 minutes
• The SMS Server will automatically reboot after patch installation. You will then be
prompted to update the SMS client
• For a complete list of enhancements and changes, refer to the product Release Notes