TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System TippingPoint Operating System(TOS) v3.9.5 を以下の通り公開いたしました。
TippingPoint IPS NX シリーズ(2600NX / 5200NX / 6200NX / 7100NX / 7500NX)
※他の TippingPoint 製品・モデルは本リリースの適用対象外です詳細については Release Notes(英語)をご覧ください
サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ
Trend Micro TippingPoint Threat Management Centerからアップグレード用のモジュールやドキュメントを ダウンロード
※ログインには事前に TMC アカウントの作成が必要です。
Release Contents
Description Reference This release addresses the following vulnerabilities affecting the NX-Series management network port: CVE-2019-12255, CVE-2019-12258, and CVE-2019-12263. For more information about this issue refer to Product Bulletin #1080. 40306 http://docs.trendmicro.com/all/tip/ips/v3.9.5/en-us/ips_3.9.5_rn.pdfKnown issues
Description Reference Reference Devices configured to connect to an NTP server using the server hostname no longer connect to the NTP server after a reboot. To avoid this issue, always establish an NTP server connection using the IPv4/ IPv6 address of the NTP server. 118020 Microsoft Edge or Microsoft Internet Explorer might not connect to the LSM. To resolve this issue, use the conf t server TLS command to enable TLS v1.0 on the IPS security device. Be aware that TLS v1.0 is a weak encryption algorithm. Consider using another supported browser instead. For more information about using the conf t server command, refer to the IPS Command Line Interface Reference. 117878 A profile distribution issue can degrade system performance, including dropped packets and a spike in XLR utilization. A filter reset temporarily clears the condition. 124604 Modifying a profile or changing which profile is applied to the ANY-ANY virtual segment of a device, while that device is unmanaged from SMS, can cause an out-of-sync condition when the device is remanaged to the SMS. The recovery for the out-of-sync condition is to reboot the device. To avoid this condition, make changes to the ANY-ANY virtual segment only through the SMS. 124603 Common CIDRs, such as /56 and /64, cannot be used for IPv6 bypass rules. 124529
朝から晩まで英語漬け ビジネスパーソンの英会話ハンドブック [音声DL付]
- 作者: 清水建二,染谷征良
- 出版社/メーカー: ベレ出版
- 発売日: 2018/09/12
- メディア: 単行本
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