

Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 19 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ 各種修正、機能追加、Win10/Win2019の1909、セキュリティ対応でNGINX 1.16.1アップデート、JREアップデート

Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 19 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security 11.0 Update 19 のモジュールを公開いたしました。
■ 公開開始日

2020 年 2 月 12 日 (水)

■ 対象モジュール

Deep Security Manager
Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Unix 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier
■ 追加機能/修正内容

追加機能や修正内容は付属の Readme をご覧ください。

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security Manager


  • Added the "TrendMicroDsPacketData" field to Firewall events that are syslog forwarded via the Deep Security Manager. (DSSEG-4855)
  • Added the following hidden setting command:

dsm_c -action changesetting -name com.trendmicro.ds.antimalware:settings.configuration.maxSelfExtractRTScanSizeMB -value 512

When Deep Security Agent could not determine the type of the target file, the scan engine loaded the file to memory to identify if it was a self-extract file. If there were many of these large files, the scan engine consumed lots of memory. Using the hidden command setting above, the file-size limitation is set to 512MB for loading target files. When the file-size exceeds the set limitation, the scan engine will skip this process and scan the file directly.

To implement this enhancement:

Run this command in Deep Security Manager to change the value in the database.
Send the policy to your target Deep Security Agent to deploy the setting.


Resolved issues

  • Shipping events to an external syslog servers was slow when the option to send extended event descriptions was enabled. This lead to unacceptable delays until events arrived at the syslog server. (SEG-60102/SF02315360/DSSEG-4819)
  • When adding new dashboards in Deep Security Manager, if you clicked "+" on the Dashboard page and then pressed Enter several times in quick succession, multiple dashboards were created and the first dashboard would lose widgets. (SEG-67245/SF02792993/DSSEG-5088)

Security Updates

Security updates are included in this release. For more information about how we protect against vulnerabilities, visit Vulnerability Responses. (DSSEG-5170)

  • Updated NGINX to 1.16.1 (DSSEG-4598)
  • Updated JRE to the latest Bundled Patch Release (8.0.241/ (DSSEG-5155)

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent

Resolved issues

  • Anti-Malware on-demand scans did not work properly when the root directory was set to "/" in the scan directory inclusion lists. (SEG-66679/02756807/DSSEG-5053)
  • Memory leaks occurred in Anti-Malware if file attributes couldn't be retrieved. (SEG-67374/SF02753356/DSSEG-5062)
  • The displayed packet header data contained redundant payload data. (SEG-57660/DSSEG-4751)
  • When Deep Security Agent scanned large files for viruses, it consumed a large amount of memory. (SEG-48704/SF01572110/DSSEG-3832)
  • Deep Security Agent real-time Anti-Malware scans didn't work correctly with Debian 10 kernel 5.4. (DSSEG-5154)

Security Updates

  • Security updates are included in this release. For more information about how we protect against vulnerabilities, visit Vulnerability Responses.
  • Updated NGINX to 1.16.1 (DSSEG-4598)

Unix 版 Deep Security Agent

Resolved issues

  • Memory leaks occurred in Anti-Malware if file attributes couldn't be retrieved. (SEG-67374/SF02753356/DSSEG-5062)
  • The displayed packet header data contained redundant payload data. (SEG-57660/DSSEG-4751)
  • When Deep Security Agent scanned large files for viruses, it consumed a large amount of memory. (SEG-48704/SF01572110/DSSEG-3832)

Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier


  • Added Application Control Support for Windows 2019. (SEG-52334/DSSEG-4389)
  • Added support for Windows 10 19H2 version 1909. (DSSEG-4786)

Resolved issues

  • The displayed packet header data contained redundant payload data. (SEG-57660/DSSEG-4751)
  • When Deep Security Agent scanned large files for viruses, it consumed a large amount of memory. (SEG-48704/SF01572110/DSSEG-3832)
  • The server hanged intermittently and utilized very high memory. (SEG-59668/SF02351375/DSSEG-5055)

Security Updates

  • Security updates are included in this release. For more information about how we protect against vulnerabilities, visit Vulnerability Responses.
  • Updated NGINX to 1.16.1 (DSSEG-4598)

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