

Trend Micro Deep Security 12.0 Update 2 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ Oracle18の正式サポート、その他累積修正対応

Trend Micro Deep Security 12.0 Update 2 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security 12.0 Update 2 のモジュールを公開いたしました。
■ 公開開始日

2019 年 9 月 17 日 (火)

■ 対象モジュール

Deep Security Manager
Linux 版 Deep Security Agent (※Debian 10を除く)
Unix 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier
■ 追加機能/修正内容

追加機能や修正内容は付属の Readme をご覧ください。
また、Debian 10に対応するモジュールは公開完了次第、 本ページにてご連絡させていただきます。

■ 入手方法

Deep Securityヘルプセンターからダウンロードできます。

また、以下の製品 Q&A も合わせてご参照ください。

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

New features

  • Added Oracle 18 as a supported database. (DSSEG-4494)

Resolved issues

  • Every Deep Security Agent with the version greater than or equal to 12.0 now has a minimum required Deep Security Manager version. Any import of an incompatible agent whose minimum required version is less than the current manager version will be blocked. (DSSEG-4560)
  • Deep Security used an open source library called SIGAR that is no longer maintained or supported. This can cause applications to crash and other unintended issues in the future. Equivalent replacement must be found in the JRE included libraries and all usages of SIGAR should be refactored to use the identified equivalent. (SF02184158/DSSEG-4544/SEG-54629)
  • Deep Security Manager did not prevent the creation of incompatible Intrusion Prevention configurations. (DSSEG-4533)
  • Deep Security Manager failed to upgrade when the customer used Microsoft Azure SQL database with non-default collation. (SF02345050/DSSEG-4531/SEG-58319)
  • Inline synchronization for Amazon WorkSpaces sometimes did not work because Deep Security Manager used the availability zone as region name. (DSSEG-4514)
  • Using a local key secret containing the $ symbol stopped the upgrade or fresh install of Deep Security Manager. (SF02013831/DSSEG-4462/SEG-57243)
  • When generating the security module usage report, many of the hosts in the report do not show the correct cloud account associated with the host. (SF01802147/DSSEG-4442/SEG-46978)
  • Deep Security Agent sometimes went offline when duplicate virtual UUIDs were stored in the database. (SF01722554/DSSEG-4415/SEG-41425)
  • Reconnaissance alerts could not be disabled because the option was not available. (DSSEG-4388)
  • Selecting "Security updates only" as the update content for a relay group on Administration > Updates > Relay Management > Relay Group Properties did not work as expected. (DSSEG-4343)
  • The activation code which extended the expiration date license for a multi-tenant account could not be inputted for enabling multi-tenant function because Deep Security Manager did not check the license status online. (DSSEG-4332/02223786/SEG-55842)
  • Forwarding events "via Deep Security Manager" with SIEM event forwarding would not work if the Deep Security Manager hostname was not obtained through DNS resolution. (SF01992435/DSSEG-4099/SEG-50655)
Deep Security Manager - 12.0 update 2 | Deep Security

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