

TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System TippingPoint Operating System(TOS) v3.9.6 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ 新機能追加と累積修正対応

TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System TippingPoint Operating System(TOS) v3.9.6 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention System TippingPoint Operating System(TOS) v3.9.6 を以下の通り公開いたしました。


TippingPoint IPS N シリーズ( 660N / 1400N / 2500N / 5100N / 6100N )
TippingPoint IPS NX シリーズ(2600NX / 5200NX / 6200NX / 7100NX / 7500NX)
※他の TippingPoint 製品・モデルは本リリースの適用対象外です

詳細については Release Notes(英語)をご覧ください

Trend Micro TippingPoint Threat Management Centerからアップグレード用のモジュールやドキュメントを ダウンロード
※ログインには事前に TMC アカウントの作成が必要です。

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Release Contents

Description Reference
IPS systems now query the proper IPv4/IPv6 default gateway when setting an IPv6 IP
address on the management port.
The device no longer enters Layer 2 Fallback after modifying or disabling multiple inspection
bypass rules (within 5 seconds of each other) from the SMS client.
An issue causing high memory usage on the device has been addressed. SEG-53671
An issue in which repeated distributions of security profiles containing profile exceptions
caused latency and packet drops has been corrected.
An issue preventing block logs to not be displayed or sent to a SMS has been corrected. SEG-43880

Known issues

Description Reference
Reference Devices configured to connect to an NTP server using the server hostname no
longer connect to the NTP server after a reboot. To avoid this issue, always establish an NTP
server connection using the IPv4/ IPv6 address of the NTP server.
Microsoft Edge or Microsoft Internet Explorer might not connect to the LSM. To resolve this
issue, use the conf t server TLS command to enable TLS v1.0 on the IPS security
device. Be aware that TLS v1.0 is a weak encryption algorithm. Consider using another
supported browser instead. For more information about using the conf t server
command, refer to the IPS Command Line Interface Reference.
Modifying a profile or changing which profile is applied to the ANY-ANY virtual segment of a
device, while that device is unmanaged from SMS, can cause an out-of-sync condition when
the device is remanaged to the SMS. The recovery for the out-of-sync condition is to reboot
the device. To avoid this condition, make changes to the ANY-ANY virtual segment only
through the SMS.
Common CIDRs, such as /56 and /64, cannot be used for IPv6 bypass rules. 124529