

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 3 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ DSaaS11.3の最新機能を先行リリースするFeatureRelease Update3が出ています。バグ対応がメインっぽい。Windows 2019のアプリケーションコントロール対応してる

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 3 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 3 公開のお知らせ
■ 公開開始日

2019 年 7 月 5 日 (金)

■ 対象モジュール

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
■ 修正内容

・アプリケーションコントロール機能において、[承認されていないソフトウェアを明示的にブロックするまで許可]オプションが有効になっている場合、承認されていない巨大な.jarファイルを実行するとDeep Security AgentによるCPU使用率が高くなる問題


サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security Manager 11.3 Update 3

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-3751]
                  For AWS connector full synchronization,
                  synchronization errors have been isolated from
                  different regions so that the errors will not affect
                  the synchronization of other regions.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3703/SEG-48230/SF01867551]
                  In the new /api, the /policies endpoint would return a server error
                  within the AWS marketplace environment
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release.

Deep Security Agent 11.3 Update 3 for Linux

3. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   This release contains the following enhancement:
   Enhancement 1:  [DSSEG-3803]
                   Fixed the Filter_UT NC path.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3628/SEG-46468/01705609]
                  When the Application Control "Allow unrecognized
                  software until it is explicitly blocked" option was
                  enabled, running large unauthorized .jar files
                  resulted in high CPU usage by the Deep Security Agent.
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3850/SEG-50480]
                  Kernel panic occurred when dsa_filter.ko was obtaining 
                  network device's information.
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.                  

Deep Security Agent 11.3 Update 3 for Windows

3. What's New
   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement is included in this release:
   Enhancement 1:  [DSSEG-3975/SEG-52334]
                   Added Application Control Support for Windows 2019.

   Enhancement 2:  [DSSEG-3803]
                   Fixed the Filter_UT NC path.
   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3628/SEG-46468/01705609]
                  When the Application Control "Allow unrecognized
                  software until it is explicitly blocked" option was
                  enabled, running large unauthorized .jar files
                  resulted in high CPU usage by the Deep Security Agent.
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-4064/SEG-52954/SF02104887]
                  The "Send Policy" action failed because of a 
                  GetDockerVersion error in Deep Security Agent.
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.