

Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 11 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9と10の不具合に対応

Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 11 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Deep Security 11.0 Update 11 のモジュールを公開いたしました。
■ 公開開始日

2019 年 6 月 5 日 (水)

■ 対象モジュール

Deep Security Manager
Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Unix 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier
■ 追加機能/修正内容

Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10(ビルド番号 716)
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9(ビルド番号 707)

上記問題の影響を受けていた場合は、Trend Micro Deep Security 11.0 Update 11(ビルド番号 760)をご利用くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
※なお、Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Linux 版/Unix 版 Update 9 の問題の修正は、Update 10 にも反映されております。

※Update 10、Linux 版/Unix 版 Update 9 の停止理由につきましては、以下のサポート情報をご参照ください。
Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10(ビルド番号 716)公開停止のお知らせ
Linux 版/Unix 版 Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9(ビルド番号 707)公開停止のお知らせ

また、その他の追加機能や修正内容は付属の Readme をご覧ください。

サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10で問題だった不具合

■ 発生する事象

【事象1】変更監視機能を有効化している一部の環境において、Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10(ビルド番号 716)にアップグレードするとDeep SecurityAgentのプロセスがクラッシュする事象が発生します。

【事象2】Trend Micro Deep Security as a Service (以下、DSaaS) において 2019 年 5 月 17 日以降に Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 10 (ビルド番号716)を使用すると、一部の環境で「保護モジュールの配信失敗」イベントが発生します。

Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.0 Update 9で問題だった不具合

DSA11.0 Update 9では、以下の問題に対する修正が行われました。
「無効な Unicodeエンコードを使用したファイルパスが不正プログラム対策イベントに表示される問題」
不正プログラム対策エンジンがオフラインとなる事象は、Linux OSおよび Unix OSにおけるロケールが英語以外の設定になっている環境において、上記修正の影響を受けて発生します。
※Windows OSおよび、ロケールが英語で設定された Linux/Unix OSでは本事象は発生しません。

Deep Security Manager


2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-3731]
                  Added the ability to enable or disable Common Scan
                  Cache for each agent through a CLI command.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3956]
                  If inline synchronization was disabled, a performance
                  issue occurred that was caused by a large volume of inline
                  synchronization to the same AWS cloud account imported to
                  Deep Security Manager.
   Solution 1:    This issue is fixed in this release.

   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3858]
                  The "Use Cross Account Role" option on the AWS
                  Connector properties page was not being disabled in
                  some cases.
   Solution 2:    The option is now only enabled for Deep Security
                  Manager instances deployed on AWS or instances where
                  the Manager AWS Identity has been configured.

   Issue 3:       [DSSEG-3742]
                  The reconnaissance alerts could not be disabled because
                  the toggle was greyed out.

   Solution 3:    This issue is fixed in this release.
   2.3 Security Updates
   Security updates are included in this release. For more information 
   about how we protect against vulnerabilities, visit 
   Update 1: [DSSEG-3781]
             Updated JRE to the latest Critical Patch Update. (8.0.212)

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-2596]
                  Diagnostic package can collect AMSP logs during 

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3853/SEG-50957/02017109]
                  When using Integrity Monitoring, the Deep Security
                  Agent crashed when a monitored entity was deleted in
                  Deep Security 11.0 Update 10.
   Solution 1:    The issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3830/SEG-34751/SF01137463]
                  Kernel panic occurred because of redirfs.
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.

Unix 版 Deep Security Agent

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-2596]
                  Diagnostic package can collect AMSP logs during 

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3853/SEG-50957/02017109]
                  When using Integrity Monitoring, the Deep Security
                  Agent crashed when a monitored entity was deleted in
                  Deep Security 11.0 Update 10.
   Solution 1:    The issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:       [DSSEG-3830/SEG-34751/SF01137463]
                  Kernel panic occurred because of redirfs.
   Solution 2:    This issue is fixed in this release.

Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Notifier

2. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   The following enhancement(s) are included in this release:
   Enhancement 1: [DSSEG-2596]
                  Diagnostic package can collect AMSP logs during 

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:       [DSSEG-3853/SEG-50957/02017109]
                  When using Integrity Monitoring, the Deep Security
                  Agent crashed when a monitored entity was deleted in
                  Deep Security 11.0 Update 10.
   Solution 1:    The issue is fixed in this release.

サイバーセキュリティ (岩波新書)

サイバーセキュリティ (岩波新書)