

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 2 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ@ SSL通信の詳細ログ出力を有効にしている場合の不具合対応、UDPステートフルインスペクションで一部不具合等の修正

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 2 公開のお知らせ:サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ

Trend Micro Deep Security as a ServiceにおけるTrend Micro Deep Security Agent 11.3 Feature Release Update 2 公開のお知らせ
■ 公開開始日

2019 年 4 月 16 日 (月)

■ 対象モジュール

Linux 版 Deep Security Agent
Windows 版 Deep Security Agent
■ 修正内容

SSL通信に対する詳細なログ出力を有効化している場合、Deep Security Agentプロセスがクラッシュする問題がありました。
・Smart Protection Serverへの接続プロトコルが「https」の場合、Webレピュテーション機能の評価スレッドとの競合によりDeep Security Agentプロセスがクラッシュする問題がありました。


サポート情報 : トレンドマイクロ


3. What's New

   2.1 Enhancements
   There are no enhancements in this release.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):
   Issue 1:    [DSSEG-3606/SEG-46616/01780211]
               Non-exectuable files that were opened with execute
               permissions resulted in security events and drift that
               should not have been generated.
   Solution 1: This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:    [DSSEG-3531]
               The Deep Security Agent process potentially crashed 
			   when the detailed logging of SSL message was enabled and
   Solution 2: This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 3:    [DSSEG-3477]
               When the Firewall module was enabled with UDP stateful, a
               container's UDP services were impacted even when Firewall
               container protection was off.
   Solution 3: This issue is fixed in this release. 
   Issue 4:    [DSSEG-3316/SF01415863/SEG-40338]
               The Deep Security Agent process would crash due to a race
               condition in the Web Reputation Service rating thread
               when the protocol of the connection to the rating
               server (Smart Protection Server) was "https".
   Solution 4: This issue is fixed in this release.


3. What's New
   2.1 Enhancements
   There are no enhancements in this release.

   2.2 Resolved Known Issues
   This release resolves the following issue(s):

   Issue 1:    [DSSEG-3606/SEG-46616/01780211]
               Non-exectuable files that were opened with execute
               permissions resulted in security events and drift that
               should not have been generated.
   Solution 1: This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 2:    [DSSEG-3531]
               The Deep Security Agent process potentially crashed 
			   when the detailed logging of SSL message was enabled and
   Solution 2: This issue is fixed in this release.
   Issue 3:    [DSSEG-3477]
               When the Firewall module was enabled with UDP stateful, a
               container's UDP services were impacted even when Firewall
               container protection was off.
   Solution 3: This issue is fixed in this release. 
   Issue 4:    [DSSEG-3316/SF01415863/SEG-40338]
               The Deep Security Agent process would crash due to a race
               condition in the Web Reputation Service rating thread
               when the protocol of the connection to the rating
               server (Smart Protection Server) was "https".
   Solution 4: This issue is fixed in this release.

朝から晩まで英語漬け ビジネスパーソンの英会話ハンドブック [音声DL付]

朝から晩まで英語漬け ビジネスパーソンの英会話ハンドブック [音声DL付]